About Us

Hi There,
Our mission for the society at large is to get the precious information on health and wellness especially on ayurveda and to focus on providing information to cure the disease. Every pathi in the world is important but if we study minutely, we find that Ayurvedic treatment for every disease is possible and has no side effects. To get the maximum health benefits to every citizen in the world it would be our endeavor to compile the tips, information as remedies for the ailments by way of articles based on ayurveda. The information compiled in our articles is based on ancient ayurvedic books, different remedies suggested in them as well as authentic information from the different journals and published books.

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Many times, when we read books, surf the internet or came to contact any knowledgeable entity, we come to know about some interesting facts and remedies for these ailments, but after some time this information remains with us only and does not reach the masses. Here is now an opportunity for you to disseminate information for the better good and write about that information along with our experience. We will give you a platform to submit this information at www.ayupothi.com and your articles will be read by many aspirants. We will publish the same along with your name to give due credit to you. The major guidelines to write the articles are available here. So, come ahead and bring some information for mankind.
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